How to cancel an order

You can cancel your order only if its status on the Yakkyofy Orders Tab is still unfulfilled.
When the order's status on the Yakkyofy dashboard is fulfilled or processing, you will not be able to cancel the order anymore.

1) For Shopify:

If you want to cancel the order inside your Shopify, you have to enter yourOrders Tabinside your Shopify Store and click on the order that you want to cancel.
At this point, click on the button "More Actions" and then on "Cancel Order".

When you cancel an order on Shopify, if the order is unpaid or paid but still marked as "unfulfilled", the order will automatically be canceled in your Yakkyofy Dashboard and, in case it is already paid, your money will be automatically refunded on your Yakkyofy eWallet.

While if your order is already paid and "in processing", you can cancel the order on Shopify, however you will need to let our Yakkyofy Customer Care know you want to cancel the order. In this case you can contact us via email at or via Chat, if you subscribed to one of our Paid Plans, with the Yakkyofy order number in question and your cancellation request. We will make sure to cancel the order on Yakkyofy, too for you.

2) For Woocommerce:

If you want to cancel an order from inside Woocommerce you have to enter your Wordpress store, then click on Woocommerce.

Click on the Orders tab and select the order that you want to cancel. You can cancel an order on Wordpress, only if the order's status is Processing.
If the order has any other status, it can’t be canceled anymore.

In this case, you have only to move the status from Processing to “cancel” or to “refunded” and the order will be automatically canceled also on your Yakkyofy Dashboard and your money will be automatically refunded in your eWallet. In case of different statuses, you would need to contact our Customer Care reporting the cancellation request and your order number to be cancelled. Please write us at or via Chat, if you subscribed to one of our Paid Plans, and let us know as soon as possible.

Please note, Woocommerce statuses are different from the ones on Yakkyofy so, orders can still only be cancelled when their Yakkyofy status is *Unfulfilled*.

If the order is unpaid, you can also cancel it directly from your Yakkyofy’s Dashboard. 
To do that from the Yakkyofy dashboard you will just need to visit the Orders>Dropshipping tab and click on the "⚙️" and then on "Cancel".

Screenshot 2024-07-23 172331.png

Then, please click on "Confirm" to cancel your order on Yakkyofy:

Screenshot 2024-07-23 173246.png

Jul 23, 2024

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