How to Pair My Packaging with My Products?

To efficiently pair packaging that you've already purchased with a specific product or all the products you're selling on your store, follow these steps:

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1. Navigate to the PRODUCTS>PACKAGING section.
2. Select the correct packaging and click on the "MANAGE" button on the right:

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3. Choose the specific customization of that package and click on "SETTINGS":

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4. To ship all your parcels with that specific packaging, select "USE FOR EVERY PRODUCT":

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If you prefer to pair this specific packaging with only selected SKUs, click on "CONNECT NEW PRODUCTS":

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5. On the next page, you can connect your packaging with "Public Products" by ticking the product you wish to pair with your packaging:

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6. Alternatively, pair your packaging with "Private Products":

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Find the item you want to pair, then click on the switch button to apply the pairing; finally, click on "Connect Selected":

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For pairing your packaging with every order or item, follow these steps:

1. Check the packaging stocked in your "Virtual Warehouse" under "Inventory":

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2. Select the packaging you're interested in pairing and click on "Manage":

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3. Next, click on "Settings":

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4. Here, you'll see the products already paired with your packaging. Click on "Choose Options":

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5. You will now see two options: 'Apply this customization on order' or 'Apply this customization on item':

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Selecting "Apply on order" will pair the packaging with the entire order, regardless of how many SKUs are included.
Selecting "Apply on item" will automatically pair the packaging with every SKU included in the order.

6. Once you select your preferred option, make sure to click on "Save changes":

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7. Finally, you'll see the confirmation message "Settings updated successfully":

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By following these steps, you can efficiently manage your packaging options, ensuring they align perfectly with your products and orders. This process is crucial for optimizing your international shipping logistics, improving the overall efficiency of your eCommerce business.

Sep 27, 2024

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