What is the Quotations tab and how does it work?

The Quotations tab is divided into three different sections:

  1. the Image Search Section
  2. the Dropshipping Section
  3. the Wholesale Section.

Please note that you have some limitations in this tab. With our Premium Plan you can ask for:

  • 30 Image search requests, each 30 days;
  • 10 wholesale requests, each 30 days.

In the Image Search tab, you will find all the results that our Chrome Extension found for your products, so in this tab you need to check the results and select the best for you:

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Your Image Search Results can have three different statuses:

  1. green: the search is done and we found something;
  2. yellow: you need to wait a little longer for the process to be completed;
  3. red: we couldn’t find your product.

If your quotation is green, click on the title of your products to see your results:

Screenshot 2024-08-09 174527.png

On the left, you can see the products you searched for and on the right the results found for you.

Select the supplier that you prefer and click on 'Choose Product'.

At this point there are 2 different options:

  1. if the product has both price and shipping you can import it immediately on your store;
  2. if the product has the product price but not the shipping cost or any other crucial info, you need to usually wait a few days to receive a manual quotation for your shipping quote. This will be deducted from your monthly manual quotations. To proceed, you need to select "Request a quotation" on the right:

Screenshot 2024-08-09 174527.png

If your Image Search is red, like this one in the picture below:

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Click on the product title and then on the “Request a Quotation” button to ask a manual quotation for the same item:

Screenshot 2024-08-09 180212.png

In this case, a real person will work on quoting this product for you; so you will need to wait usually a few days to have the quotation ready.

In the Dropshipping tab, you can find all the quotations that you have approved under the Dropshipping section, along with all the manual quotations requested.

All the quotations that have a green status can be imported immediately on your store, by clicking on "Import on your store":

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If you click on the link "🔗" symbol, you will also be able to check the original link used for the quotation:

Screenshot 2024-08-12 155613.png

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While, by clicking on the item you got quoted, you will access the product page and see all the details, costs and variants available.

In the Wholesale tab, you can ask for a Wholesale quotation:

  1. to buy a stock to keep in our warehouse, get a discount and shorten your dropshipping orders processing time;
  2. to buy a stock to ship outside China to a custom location;
  3. to buy a stock to ship to an Amazon FBA location;
  4. to buy private-labeled products.

There are two different ways of requesting a wholesale quotation:

  • you can go to our public catalogue, choose a product and click the “Wholesale” button on the right;
  • you can click on Quotations> Wholesale > New Request on the top left of the dashboard to request a quote for a new product.

NOTE: if the product already exists is always better to ask the quotations from inside the product page. Your request will come out faster.

When you click the “New Request” button, you can ask for a quotation for a product that you have already seen on Aliexpress or Alibaba, by just inserting the URL of the product page inside the search field.

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