If you did not find the product you were looking for in our catalogue, please rest assured you can still use our Chrome Extension to request a quotation for a new product and receive real-time results.
The Yakkyofy Chrome Extension can recognize a product picture, find it in a huge database with more than 12 million products and give back a quotation with shipping prices for more than 100 countries, in a matter of a few minutes.
To start using our Chrome extension, visit your Dashboard > Quotations> Image Search Tab and click on the “Chrome Extension” button or visit the Chrome Web Store at the following link: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/yakkyofy/pfihdghehgbighdgmpnmffaoibdhnbhc?hl=it
Then, you will only need to add the extention by clicking on the top right button:
Remember, you need to use Google Chrome as your browser; otherwise, the extension will not work on mobile or on other browsers.
After installing the Chrome extension, click on the icon and log in with the same credentials that you use to register on Yakkyofy.com
Here, you will see the list of stores you can choose from: Aliexpress, Alibaba, Wish, Gearbest, Banggood or Amazon.
Please visit one of these marketplaces and search for a product that you like.
Then, go on the product page, click on the icon of our Chrome Extension, select a shipping destination and the best three images that represent your products and click the “Start Search” button.
Bear in mind that Yakkyofy’s software will calculate the shipping price for all the countries we ship to (over a 100) after you have selected a specific product and supplier.
The extension gives you the option to choose only one shipping country at the beginning of the process in order for you to have an idea of the shipping price we offer, this does not mean that you have to ship exclusively to that one country. Once you choose your supplier, you will be able to see all other shipping prices from the product page.
When you click the “Start Search” button, you will see a series of images and you need to deselect the ones that don’t show the products you are looking for.
In this way, you will give to our Chrome Extension all the info that it needs to source your products in our huge supplier database and give back a quotation for the same products bought directly from the factory, at B2B prices.
After clicking the “Start Search” button, wait a few seconds.The quotations can appear right away or in a matter of minutes, in any case, you can still navigate to other pages and search for additional products. When the quotation is ready, you will receive a notification on your browser.
At this point, you can check out the results directly inside your Chrome Extension by clicking the lens button or inside your Yakkyofy Dashboard visiting Quotations > Image Search Tab by clicking on the "Detail" button:
On the left, you can see the product reasearched while on the right the result we find for you:
Select the supplier that you prefer and click on choose product:
All the Image Search Result approved or transformed in a request of a quotation, will appear in the Quotations>Dropshipping Tab:
At this point there are 2 different options:
- if the product has both price and shipping you can import it immediately on your store by clicking on "Choose Product";
- if the item has got the product price but not the shipping price, you need to request a manual quotation where a team member will quote manually the shipping price for you in a few days. This option is available via our Premium Plan and the manual quotation will be deducted from your monthly manual quotations available:
Please, also consider that the shipping price you see displayed could still need to be adjusted and could depend on actual weight of the product. Actual weight can only be verified once we receive the physical item in our Shenzhen warehouse when we purchase the item to fulfill one of your dropshipping orders, if you purchase a sample or if you buy a stock of products.
If your Image Search is red, like this one in the picture below:
Click on the product title and then on the “Request a Quotation” button to ask a manual quotation for the same item:
In this case, a team member will provide a quotation for this product. It does usually take about 3-5 business days to get a manual quotation processed, priority depending on the type of subscription activated.
Please note that the "Request a quotation" feature is not available for Yakkyofy Free users: to be able to request manual quotations, you should subscribe to one of our paid plans.
For further information, please visit our Yakkyofy Plans section, at this link
At this point, you can visit your product page, look at the shipping price for all the countries available and import the product to your store.