If our Chrome Extension's product search results will not display the shipping price, you can still get it quoted by asking our buyer office to calculate it manually by getting in touch with suppliers. It does usually take about 3-5 business days to get a manual quotation processed, priority depending on the type of subscription activated.
To request a manual quote for the shipping cost, you should first visit the Quotations> Image Search tab and click on the Detail button to have the search results displayed:
Once the results will be displayed, scroll down to find the item you would like to choose:
If it will not display a shipping cost like the one in the image above, you will see "Some product info is missing, therefore a manual quotation is required" and still be able to request a quote by clicking on the "Choose Product" button. Please keep in mind manual quotations are available by subscribing to one of our paid plans.
Then, a new SKU will be created in the Quotations>Dropshipping tab, if it will show the icon of a clock which means that our buyer office will manually process the quotation for the shipping cost by getting in touch with the supplier in a matter of a few days, at most: